IFG believes strongly that it has a responsibility to conduct itself in an ethical, responsible and environmentally sustainable fashion. We appreciate the importance of creating an environment of respect, equality and inclusivity within our college. We have a duty to act in an ethical and honest way not just to students and to members of staff, but also to suppliers, the local community and beyond.
We aim to contribute as much as possible to increasing choice and accessibility in education. We do this by offering part scholarships to students who may not otherwise to be able to study with us. We also continue to develop our network of partner teaching centres in different parts of the world who deliver our courses at their college or university. These partner institutions are able to offer lower tuition fees than we can. Plus, students and their families can also save money by studying in their local area, and so avoid expensive travel and living costs.
Charitable projects
We understand that our ability, as a private college, to contribute to the expansion of educational choice and accessibility, is limited. For many students worldwide, the dream of an international education is just that, a dream. Therefore, each year, we focus on a specific charitable project to improve the education of children worldwide.
Al-Humaira School, Sudan
This year we have chosen to help a primary and secondary school in northern Sudan, Al-Humaira School on Badien Island. As a number of our students at IFG come from Sudan, we felt that this would be a good choice, particularly in view of the political turmoil in the country which has ravaged the prospects of so many Sudanese boys and girls. Al-Humaira School needs $15,000 to build a science lab. The school has the land but lacks the funds to build and equip a lab. Through different student and staff-led activities, we will try to raise the money to help. For every dollar raised through these activities, IFG will contribute two dollars. Hopefully, by the end of the 24/25 academic year, we will raise sufficient funds for them to start the construction.