For more information, please click on the course in which you are interested.
Fees are due in UAE dirhams (AED) and actual exchange rates may differ

Academic courses Tuition fees in AED Tuition fees in USD
University Foundation Programmes in Business Management, Social Sciences (including Law, Politics & Economics) Engineering and Computer Science 44,250 13,400
Medical Foundation Programme 81,000 22,050
Pre-Masters in Business Management 61,000  16,600
Pre-Masters in Law 39,000  10,675
Pre-PhD Preparation Programme 18,000 4,750
Pre-DBA Programme 6,600 1,795
English Language courses
English for Academic Purposes /
8,000 for 8 weeks 2,176
11,500 for 12 weeks 3,128
Executive English 2,300 for 2 weeks 625
3,800 for 4 weeks 1,033
Occupational English Test Preparation 2,150  585
One to one tutoring In person: 360 per hour 100
Online: 270 per hour 75


Course length 1 – 4 weeks 5 – 8 weeks 9 – 12 weeks 13 – 30 weeks
General English 840 p.w.($229) 800 p.w. ($217) 760 p.w ($206) 720 p.w ($195)
IELTS preparation 575 p.w. ($157) 535 p.w. ($146) 515 p.w. ($141) 495 p.w  ($134)